Lana Raill
Sacred Soul Work
Tarot Readings | Astrology Readings | Flower Essence Therapy
Registered Esoteric Hypnotherapist | Shamanic Soul Coach | Shamanic Healing
About Me
Growing up in rural Aotearoa New Zealand, my childhood was one spent
outdoors until the sun had long gone down. Star-filled skies devoid of
light pollution saw me outside at night with my face turned towards the
heavens in awe.
My family had a 'thing' for living near bush-clad mountains whose silent
and powerful presence have been a constant in my life, a touch point,
a connection to the sacred.
As a young person, I always had a deep connection with the
plant kingdom and could often be found tending to my grandmother's
roses or sitting in a quiet spot in the garden next to a favourite plant.
I could see nature spirits inhabiting trees and had an acute awareness
that I was never alone when I was in nature, there were always others
not of the human world whose presence I felt.
I would often be concocting noxious looking potions and pungent smelling brews from plants.
I discovered later in life that there were healer women on both my father's and mother's sides.
My great great grandmother on my father's side, Franciszka Kurowski was a Polish immigrant who came to New Zealand fleeing Prussian partioned Poland with her husband and 4 young children.
After losing her husband in a boating accident, she was left to raise her children alone in a new land
with no family, and very few who spoke her language. Franciszka made do working as a midwife, sometimes walking miles to deliver a child and used herbal medicines to aid women in childbirth, in some instances saving mothers lives with her herbal preparations.
My great great grandmother on my mother's side, Rhoda Stewart was the daughter of English-Scottish settlers in the Whanganui region. Rhoda developed a relationship with local Māori from a community up the Whanganui river who generously shared their knowledge of how to use native plants for rongoa medicines with her, and taught her te reo.
For more than twenty years I have been working with people in a healing capacity. This is through the deep healing power of nature, her cycles and the inherently nurturing and restorative properties of plants. I have also been interpreting the powerful, symbolic language of the Tarot since I was nineteen years of age.
As a professional astrologer with two decades of practice under my belt, I have a deep abiding passion and love
for the ancient art of reading what is 'written in the stars'. I love exploring people's natal birth charts with them and helping them to discover the unique magic and wonder of their special stellar blueprint.
My love of astrology is one that spans lifetimes and I have vivid memories of the stars talking to me and seeing the ways they link together in the night sky.
In 2010 I completed studies in herbal and nutritional medicine and graduated from Wellpark College of Natural Therapies in Auckland. I also hold diplomas in Medical Herbalism, Naturopathy and Tarot.
Additionally during my study at Wellpark, I was introduced to New Zealand native flower and plant essences. These had a profound effect on me and I experienced a deep and significant healing.
The impact of working with these sacred vibrational plant medicines led me to form a deep and enduring love for First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® which I use every day to support myself and offer to all my clients.
I continue my lifelong study of the magical arts of shamanic healing, astrology and sacred plant medicine. Much of this has been under the guidance of Master Shamaness, alchemist and renowned spiritual teacher Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®.
This has led to me being awarded Certificates in Healers Studies, Shamanic Studies and Advanced Shamanic Studies through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®.
A recent addition to my healing tool kit is Esoteric Hypnotherapy. As a certified and registered Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist and HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® I specialise in deep soul healing, past life healing and soul retrieval work.
This powerful holistic hypnosis system that I have been formally trained in was practiced in the sleep and dream temples of ancient Egypt, and originates from ancient shamanic healing practices that go back tens of thousands of years. It is the most powerful modality that I know of to help bring about deep and lasting transformation that can only come about through working directly with the soul and at the soul level.
I’m passionate and dedicated to helping my clients understand and become the best expression of who they genuinely are. My work is around removing blocks and creating clarity, using whatever blend of flower essences and healing arts that will best support your holistic wellbeing and guide you past whatever limiting patterns hold you back.
This can be through in-person consultations or online via Google Meet or Skype.
I also regularly offer my services including Tarot readings at themed gatherings like birthday or hen parties, weddings and festivals.