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Herbal Medicine

Herbs and plant medicines have been used for

tens of thousands of years by humans across the

world for healing, curative, and magical purposes.

Turning to nature for support, healing and assistance

is one of the most natural instincts that we have

There is something in us that knows that

the Great Mother, Nature has given us everything

we need to live a healthful, balanced life during

our earth walk.


Coming back to a deep, connected, and abiding

relationship with nature holds the keys to our personal

and collective healing.


Working with the plant kingdom and herbal remedies to support your wellbeing is one of my passions. By supporting yourself with bespoke herbal remedies and appropriate nutritional support you can gently yet powerfully bring yourself back into a state of balance. 


As a qualified Medical Herbalist and Naturopath (Wellpark College of Natural Therapies 2007-2010) with over 10 years experience working with a wide range of people and conditions I recognise the unique needs of each person's body and how the energetics of particular herbal extracts can help.  


Herbal tinctures and teas, extracts and nutritional supplements support your physical body to naturally return to a state of balance and equilibrium by providing the means to ensure optimal physiological functioning.  â€‹

These are incorporated into a personalised treatment plan to suit your unique needs and requirements. 


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